Become a Sponsor or Exhibitor
Every autumn, county officials from around the state gather at the Wisconsin Counties Association’s Annual Conference for educational opportunities and peer networking. The WCA Annual Conference, along with the WCA Exhibit Hall, serves as the largest gathering of county supervisors, county officials, and those directly and indirectly involved in county government. The event presents a unique marketing opportunity for you to meet and interact with county decision makers face-to-face.
Marketing Opportunities Include
Conference sponsorship packages at the Premier, Elite, Leader, Partner, and Friend levels. Packages include items such as exhibit booth space, special recognition, promotion at events and meals, and advertisements in conference and WCA publications.
Exhibit booth at the WCA Exhibit Hall. Deadline to reserve your booth is August 16, 2024.
No refunds will be considered for booth cancellations after August 16, 2024.
Conference Program Advertising
The conference program includes information about the conference including times, dates, and concurrent workshops, as well as county official contact information and vendors in attendance. The program is the attendee’s “guide” to our conference and exhibition. Tremendous conference-wide exposure will be gained by participating in the program and the number printed averages over 1,000 each year.
Center spread (7.5" x 8.5"): $1,100
Back cover (3.75" x 8.5"): $1,050
Inside back/front cover (3.75" x 8.5"): $800
Inside, full (3.75" x 8.5"): $550
Inside, half (3.75" x 4.25"): $325
All ads are full color.
Click Here to Purchase
Purchase Deadline: August 1, 2024.
Contact WCA for more information about advertising opportunities.

& WCA Exhibit Hall Opportunities
Digital and print recognition including the name of your company and logo at the General Assemblies, WCA’s annual reception, and in the conference program. Special recognition at the first General Assembly.
Three exhibit hall booth packages (see Exhibit Booth Package description below).
Priority booth placement (1st choice if purchased before May 1).
Recognition at your booth of your sponsorship level.
Access for all your attendees to all conference programs and events, including ticketed events and meals.
Full page color ad in the conference program.
Hospitality room option at conference (food and beverages are an additional cost and paid directly to the hotel).
Full page, inside back cover, color ad in Wisconsin Counties magazine. The ad must run within one year of signed contract.
Digital and print recognition including the name of your company and logo at the General Assemblies, WCA’s annual reception, and in the conference program.
Two exhibit hall booth packages (see Exhibit Booth Package description below).
Priority booth placement (2nd choice if purchased before
May 1).
Recognition at your booth of your sponsorship level.
Access for all your attendees to all conference programs and events, including ticketed events and meals.
Full page color ad in the conference program
Full page, color ad in Wisconsin Counties magazine. The ad must run within one year of signed contract.
Digital and print recognition including the name of your company and logo at the General Assemblies, WCA’s annual reception, and in the conference program.
One exhibit hall booth package (see Exhibit Booth Package description below).
Priority booth placement (3rd choice if purchased before
May 1).
Recognition at your booth of your sponsorship level.
Access for all your attendees to all conference programs and events, including ticketed events and meals.
Full page color ad in the conference program
Half page, color ad in Wisconsin Counties magazine. The ad must run within one year of signed contract.
Digital and print recognition including the name of your company and logo at the General Assemblies, WCA’s annual reception, and in the conference program.
One exhibit hall booth package (see Exhibit Booth Package description below).
Priority booth placement (4th choice if purchased before
May 1).
Recognition at your booth of your sponsorship level.
Two tickets for your attendees to all conference programs and events, including ticketed events and meals.
Half page, color ad in Wisconsin Counties magazine. The ad must run within one year of signed contract.
2024 Exhibit Hall
Exhibit booth package includes one fully-draped 8x10 ft. booth, which includes 8-ft. high back wall and 3-ft. high side walls, exhibitor booth sign, one 8-ft. skirted display table, one wastebasket, 2 side chairs, 2 lunch tickets for Monday, an invitation to Monday evening’s WCA Exhibitor Reception.
Other sponsorship opportunities are available, including friend level sponsorship.
Contact WCA for more information about the above and other opportunities at
The fine print
Wisconsin Counties Association shall have the full and final power to interpret and/or revise or amend these rules and regulations which in its discretion shall be in the best interest of the exhibition and conference. The decision of the show director appointed by WCA must be accepted as final in any dispute between exhibitors or in any situation not covered by these rules and regulations.
LIABILITY: Exhibitor agrees that WCA and any of its officers, directors, staff members, representatives or employees are not responsible for, and are released from, any liability as to injury, loss or damage that may occur to the exhibitor, the exhibitor’s agents or employees, or any other person or to the exhibitors’ property prior to, during or after the WCA Marketplace.
CONTRACT TERMINATION: This agreement may be terminated by WCA at any time upon the breach of any of its conditions by the exhibitor, and thereupon all exhibitor rights hereunder shall cease and terminate and any payments by exhibitor on account hereof prior to said termination shall be retained by WCA as liquidated damages for such breach, and WCA may thereupon resell such space.
EXHIBITS MUST REMAIN INTACT until after the official closing of the show. Exhibitors are requested at all times to cooperate with WCA by maintaining their exhibits through the show in an outstanding condition with respect to material and personnel. No exhibitor shall have the right prior to the official closing of the show to vacate their space without the permission and approval in writing from WCA.
SHOULD WCA hold a show on the date, time and/or place herein provided, and the exhibitor does not attend the show or occupy the space assigned, due to acts of God, inclement weather, transportation delays or any other cause beyond the control of WCA, the refund policy shall be final and non-negotiable.
LOSS OR DAMAGE: WCA will not be responsible for any loss or damage suffered by any exhibitor, or its employees, representatives or guests from any act of theft, vandalism or accidental injury.
WCA RESERVES THE RIGHT to deny or terminate any contract received. WCA also reserves the right to modify or alter the floor plan or place exhibitors in any manner WCA deems necessary.